Accident Reporting Software

Accident reporting software by A1 Tracker is ideal for injury  software for injury reporting of all types. With A1 Tracker accident software, an organization can have injury claims submitted via a corporate or internal web site to ensure claims managers have legible information from the start, thereby reducing the amount of information needing research. Accident software […]

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Accident Prevention Software for OSHA Injury Reporting

How the accident prevention software for OSHA injury reporting software reduced work related injuries by 70% over a 5 year period and reduced administrative time by 75%. Business Requirements: The original problem as described by the customer was related to the efficiency of workers compensation, OSHA injury reporting, and occupational safety performance tracking. The owner […]

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Insurance Claims Software System

How the insurance claims software reduced administrative processing and supported insurance claims tracking and risk management. Requirements: Insurance requirements as described by the customer indicated the process for reporting insurance claims, including automobile liability claims, asset liability claims, and third party liability claims frequently led to missing or incomplete insurance claims information. The company needed […]

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